All Living Things DevLog

Plan B (Previously plan A)

I've started animating the puzzle I am most confident in visually and mechanically. I have faint hopes of getting my teeth stuck in this and finishing it rapidly but I still have commissions waiting to be finished. I've always had problems with deadlines so this is no news, but somehow I make things work... For now!

Tower that eats people


Small Update

The big publisher we were in talks with shut down the operations!
I appreciate humor in life.


Tak! Viborg!

Art direction

I spent 5 months in Viborg at the Open Workshop residency to develop All Living Things! My initial plan was to simply follow along a plan I set in our documentation and work on the animation but with mentorship I quickly discovered there was a lack of content in our game. I sat down for the first month to resolve some art direction stuff and find a way to test puzzles before committing to them through animation. Before long, our noble grant giver has setup meetings with publishers for us to pitch our game to.

I felt it was too early to do this...
I was no closer to having a demo than one month ago since we got the grant. The results of the meetings were expected, people were very intrigued in the art but everyone was either asking for a demo or not willing to risk on such small niche project. I dont resent them for this, pitching was a valuable learrning experience but being a person who can do only one thing at a time it has taken a bite out of my work schedule. From creating a beautiful pitch deck (with the help of my friends at OW and beyond!) to scheduling the meetings and simply learning how to live in Denmark and not break my humble bank.

In the end I stumbled on a publisher that seemed fully interested in working with us on this project! It's a pretty big publisher and I'm excited to see how our talks develop!

Student graduation concert at the Animation Workshop

I was incredibly fortunate to meet incredible people at OW, ones who I wish will stay in my life forever, some who I fear I might never see again! There is too much to squeeze into one blog post but I hope to return as soon as opportunity allows. For now, I'm back in Croatia and I've realized that I have to trust my own plans. I've never achieved a goal in the way non-scatterbrained people do, so I have to find a way to go along my own grain...

National Park Thy

Fjord Filip
